Dodongo’s Cavern – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Part 4

The Gorons are starving. Darunia, leader of the Gorons, agrees to help Link in his quest only if he can restore their food supply by clearing out Dodongo’s Cavern various monsters: Beamos, Armos, Lizalfos, and Dodongos. King Dodongo destroyed and the cavern cleared out, Darunia remains true to his word, dubbing Link his Sworn Brother and… [Read More]

Nayru’s Silent Realm – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Part 11

We just barely manage to pass Nayru’s Silent Realm and finally receive the Clawshots as reward. Able to access new areas, we explore the Lanayru Desert, meeting two new Gorons named Golo and Gortram along the way. Finding ourselves facing an ancient sea now turned to a sandy wasteland, we meet an Ancient Robot named Skipper… [Read More]

Faron Woods – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Part 2

Finally we are free of Skyloft! We triumphantly dive to the surface to find a desolate wasteland, covered in monsters unimaginable… wait. No. No it’s actually not that bad. Sure there’s a few Deku Babas. Some Bokoblins and such.. But there’s also some weird cute bush creatures. And mysteries! And awesome music! I’m thinking the… [Read More]