Seven Years Later – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Part 6

The entrance to the Sacred Realm has been opened and the Master Sword pulled from its pedestal! Unfortunately there was a slight miscalculation in the prophecies and Link is 7 years too young to be a proper Hero. Link is held in stasis, giving Ganondorf plenty of time to turn Hyrule into a very different… [Read More]

The Kokiri Forest – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Part 1

The boy without a fairy sleeps restlessly while evil forces gather in the world. Navi the Fairy has been sent to retrieve him, as his destiny begins with helping to break the curse placed upon the guardian spirit of the forest, the Great Deku Tree. Link explores the Kokiri Forest and manages to scrounge up… [Read More]

The Skyview Temple – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Part 3

Shannon tackles her first Zelda temple/dungeon in this episode and we finally meet Demon Lord Ghirahim. Are we any closer to finding Zelda or understanding our destiny? No, not really. But we got some new bad guys and some new tunes to tide us over until we do. [Read More]

Faron Woods – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Part 2

Finally we are free of Skyloft! We triumphantly dive to the surface to find a desolate wasteland, covered in monsters unimaginable… wait. No. No it’s actually not that bad. Sure there’s a few Deku Babas. Some Bokoblins and such.. But there’s also some weird cute bush creatures. And mysteries! And awesome music! I’m thinking the… [Read More]