Dodongo’s Cavern – The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Part 4

The Gorons are starving. Darunia, leader of the Gorons, agrees to help Link in his quest only if he can restore their food supply by clearing out Dodongo’s Cavern various monsters: Beamos, Armos, Lizalfos, and Dodongos. King Dodongo destroyed and the cavern cleared out, Darunia remains true to his word, dubbing Link his Sworn Brother and… [Read More]

The Fortress of Winds – The Legend of Zelda: The Minish Cap Part 3

Link has his sights set on the Wind Element, located deep within the Castor Wilds. Making use of his newly acquired Pegasus Boots and Bow and Arrow, he discovers the Fortress of Winds.  Despite being awarded the Mole Mitts and defeating the dungeon boss, Mazaal, Link does not receive the Wind Element, as it has… [Read More]

The Lanayru Mining Facility – The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword Part 7

The Lanayru Mining Facility tries to throw us for a loop, but at this point we’re pretty sure there’s nothing we can’t handle. Thunder Keese? Beamos? Psh. What is that? An Armos? As if.  [Read More]