- So terrific that I spoiled skyward sword and mining cap

May 19, 2021 by Chris334_ from United States
Even though I haven’t played games like the minish cap and skyward sword I just had to listen after listening to ocarina and majora’s mask which I have played even though I had kinda spoiled those games it was well worth it! love the podcast and can’t wait to see how you guys progress from the first game to the last! Here’s a five star rating for you ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
- Love you guys

May 18, 2021 by Lunchbox89 from United States
Your podcast is incredible. This past year plus has been so difficult in so many ways. I enjoy every minute of the journey with you two and am always excited for the next adventure. You rock, thank you!
- Great show for Zelda fans

April 21, 2021 by nota_bene22 from United States
This podcast is great for both veteran Zelda fans and newcomers to the series. Shannon and Joe bring an interesting dynamic (heh) since Joe has been playing Zelda for years while Shannon began playing when they started the podcast.
Because they are doing the games in timeline order, Shannon tends to connect each game with that perspective, which brings a fresh look at the lore within the series that I never thought of before. Her theories are always thoughtful and fun even if they don’t always pan out, and will make longtime Zelda fans look at the games in a new light. Joe is sort of a guide to the series because of his history with the games, but he still brings interesting points to each episode based on his knowledge of the older games and how the series has grown and developed.
This is a very fun show to listen to, and I highly recommend it for anyone who loves Zelda.
- Yo forgot to record four swords !!

April 16, 2021 by Arturo Williams from United States
Also? to your podcast
- My new favorite podcast

April 14, 2021 by rmark85 from United States
Loving the in-depth look at the stories of some of my favorite games. Very enjoyable listen!