Back at Telma’s Bar in Hyrule Castle Town, Link finds Rusl among the members of a secretive group trying to restore peace to Hyrule. Informed of troubling developments in Gerudo Desert, Link is instructed by another member, Auru, to investigate the condemned prison there. Arriving safely by cannon, Link and Midna find a formidable force of Bulblins fortified at the entrance to the prison. Link is forced to fight and defeat King Bulbin in one-on-one combat in order to enter the Arbiter’s Grounds.
Sit down with your hosts, Shannon and Joe, as they play, discuss and theorize their way through Nintendo’s Legend of Zelda video games in the timeline order noted in the Hyrule Historia. New episodes of Tandem Legends: a Legend of Zelda Podcast released every other week. More or less.